Sunday, August 15, 2010

Now What?

I really don't know. I sat out on a rock beside Lake Kariba in the moments before we left Sinazongwe and wondered......What was this all about?

I think there are things known and things unknown. I'll post some pictures and unpack some stories over the next few days. But the heart of my journey is this.....

The Sunday before I left for Africa, one of our pastors preached on John 14 as it describes Thomas exclaiming,"but we don't know the way!" My panic brain resonates with that frantic plea. But Jesus tells Thomas, "I am the way...You know me."

He tells me the same.

Dr. Stan Mooneyham, a former World Vision president, points out that "Jesus said he was the way, not the destination. And the 'way' means that we're always in process and in progress."

In my head injury aftermath, a friend lettered this card for me and through these years it's been hanging where I am daily reminded:

Walk steadily

And I come home today, I hope to carry my stories well. I pray that I learn to faithfully integrate them into the story that is my life as I continue learning how to walk steadily in his path.


  1. Not sure where to put this comment as I think it fits several places: A word that has become a favorite of mine in regard to life and spiritual growth and understanding is "mystery." It's not God's intention that we understand everything we know about or experience, but rather to trust him and recognize, as you so beautifully acknowledge, Jennifer, that God is in the details and we are responsible to take the next step as he makes it clear to us.

  2. I think it belongs on today's post about the OVC visit.......mystery is the only way to explain that experience.
